Introduction and Contents BEGINNINGS – in search of origins, ancestors and their beliefs, stories and cultural practice. Performed at PCL Exhibitionists, 1999, Gadigal country Masks, costumes and artwork by I. Kindness Performance of ancestral stories from the North …of origin…of creation…of Cessair…of the Norns... [1] dance, music and ritual the work of the bards, filidh , seanchai , ollamh , druids, sharmans and seers of my heritage and remembering with love my ancestors, Elizabeth Pulley and Eliza Ann Miller Final story: “ There is a building, a monument, a tomb, on a hill overlooking a river in Ireland... Once surrounded by smaller domestic buildings, shelters, hearths, pits, signs of life over 4,000 years ago. The door has been sealed shut with heavy stone slaps In front a large stone decorated with spirals in two’s and three’s and a mark indicating the direction of the door Behind another ...