ARRIVAL: Spring Stories

Introduction and Contents Spring 1999 A pageant in three parts: arrival, disconnection, search for place/home. Performed at Karuna Conference Centre and surrounds, Katoomba; Gundungurra country. Stories of arrival…birth…nature…dislocation…impact Remembering northern ancestral beliefs, celebrations, symbols, deities and writing which welcome Spring and celebrate nature and fecundity. [1] …and the arrivals of my ancestors from the north, Elizabeth Pulley . Eliza Ann Miller and Francois Constant Rups , I want to tell you a story a story of my people Many years ago in the lands of my ancestors, Ireland...England...The Netherlands, in the time before, the time before the one land became three, there was a mighty freeze, a long, cold Winter. Then imperceptibly, gradually, the ice began to melt and on this barren land life a different kind of life appeared. A Garden of Eden. And into this Eden arrived a people. Small groups two or thr...